Nowadays, most of Chinese high school students are forced to study 611, from 6AM to 11PM 6 days a week. Sadly, lots of students suicided or got serious mental health problem. Inspired by project 996.icu, we decided to start 611study.icu project to call to stop this child abusing studying model and save students' lives and health.
早6点上学,晚11点放学,生病 ICU”。这是中国现在初高中学校的普遍强制要求。无数的初高中生因此承受生理和心理健康的双重折磨。我们希望通过此项目,帮助中国学生们摆脱这种连监狱都不如的作息时间,拥有一个健康快乐的童年。